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Elizabeth Willow - In the Window, December 2021

Elizabeth Willow - In the Window, December 2021

“Wait and See is a collection of twenty-four shadow-boxes, one to be opened on each of the days of Advent, from the first of December until Christmas Eve.  Each box is unique, and is made using collage, printmaking and bookbinding techniques, with layers of opaque and translucent paper creating three-dimensional scenes.  The boxes can be lit from the front or from behind, creating a play of light and shadow.

The boxes are inspired by Victorian toy theatres, Eastern European animation, and fairy tales, and by my own memories of making Advent calendars as a child.  And I wanted to make a thing of delight to brighten dark days, to make something glad. “

Elizabeth Willow, 29 November 2021

One box will be opened each morning from 1 to 24 December, and can be seen in the window and online.